2024 CD2 Convention: Election Results
State DFL Outreach and Inclusion
2 (not of the same gender)
State DFL Constitution Bylaws, and Rules
2 (not of the same gender)
State DFL Platform, Issues, and Legislative Affairs
2 (not of the same gender)
State DFL Party Affairs and Coordinated Campaign
2 (not of the same gender)
State Directors to the State Executive Committee (SEC)
2 (not of the same gender)
State Central Committee (SCC)
7 (with equal division)
CD2 DFL Directors (19)
Presidential Elector and Alternate Elector
Not of the same gender identity
State DFL Committee: Nominations and Search
4 members to committee
Election State Pre-Convention Committees: Rules
2 members
Election State Pre-Convention Committees: Credentials
2 members to committee
National Delegates
3 Female and 2 Male for Biden and 1 Male for Uncommitted
Uncommitted delegate
3 Female and 2 Male for Biden and 1 Male for Uncommitted
Uncommitted delegate
- Jim Hepworth
- Lynn Carlson
- Elise Smith-Dewey
- Veda Kanitz
- Frank Sachs
- Chuck Smith-Dewey