- Position Descriptions & Responsibilities -
DFL Congressional District Leadership opportunities
CD2 Chair
The DFL CD2 Chair serves as the chief executive officer of the district. Their responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
CD2 Vice Chair
The Vice Chair shall aid the Chair and shall fulfill the duties of the Chair in the Chair’s absence or in the event of the Chair’s inability to act. The Vice Chair shall not be of the same gender identity as the Chair. Their responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
CD2 Outreach and Inclusion Officer
The Outreach and Inclusion Officer is responsible for overseeing the goals of affirmative action, outreach, and inclusion within CD2. Their responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
CD2 Secretary
The Secretary shall be in charge of all the files and records of the party and of preparation of necessary documents. Their responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
CD2 Treasurer
The Treasurer is the officer primarily responsible for the financial records and business of CD2. Their responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
CD2 Communications Officer
The Communications Officer is the primary officer responsible for CD2 Communications. Their responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
CD2 Directors
Directors shall serve on at least one standing or ad hoc committee, as appointed by the Chair and approved by the Executive or Central Committees. Their responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
DFL Congressional District Leadership opportunities
CD2 Chair
The DFL CD2 Chair serves as the chief executive officer of the district. Their responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
- Convening and running DFL CD2 Central and Executive Committee Meetings
- Call, organize, and convene the DFL CD2 Convention
- Appoint members to serve on CD2 standing and ad hoc committees (in accordance with the CD2 Constitution)
- Oversee the work of CD2 committees
- Serve on and attend meetings of the State Executive and Central Committees
- Support and guide volunteers
- Develop strategies to support DFL-endorsed candidates in CD2
CD2 Vice Chair
The Vice Chair shall aid the Chair and shall fulfill the duties of the Chair in the Chair’s absence or in the event of the Chair’s inability to act. The Vice Chair shall not be of the same gender identity as the Chair. Their responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
- Assist the Chair and other officers as desired by the Chair
- Serve on and attend meetings of the State Executive and Central Committees
- Succeed the Chair in the event of vacancy or incapacitation
- Take initiative for specific projects as needed
- Assist the Chair in overseeing the work of CD2 committees
CD2 Outreach and Inclusion Officer
The Outreach and Inclusion Officer is responsible for overseeing the goals of affirmative action, outreach, and inclusion within CD2. Their responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
- Monitor the outreach and inclusion programs in CD2
- Monitor CD2 DFL's compliance with the State DFL's outreach and inclusion policies and make recommendations for remediation of any situations which are out of compliance
- Co-chair the Outreach and Inclusion Committee
- Fulfill any other duties prescribed by the State DFL Constitution and Bylaws.
- If the Call so requires, the Outreach and Inclusion Officer shall be responsible for the development of a CD2 DFL outreach and inclusion action plan and submit it for approval to the appropriate body or persons in accordance with party rules. This plan shall be developed collaboratively with the organizing unit Outreach and Inclusion Officers within CD2.
CD2 Secretary
The Secretary shall be in charge of all the files and records of the party and of preparation of necessary documents. Their responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
- Take minutes of all Central Committee and Executive Committee meetings and maintain a log of motions for monetary allocation
- Maintain rosters of the Central Committee and Executive Committee
- Maintain and update CD2 email lists as necessary
- Prepare and send all official CD2 DFL correspondence
- Notify all members of each Central Committee and Executive Committee meeting
- Prepare and distribute meeting minutes
- Serve on the Communications Committee
CD2 Treasurer
The Treasurer is the officer primarily responsible for the financial records and business of CD2. Their responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
- Manage all party unit funds
- Pay the bills of CD2 DFL
- Submit a full written report of receipts and disbursements to each Central and Executive Committee meeting and to the Convention
- The Treasurer shall also complete and submit any report of CD2 DFL finances or campaign contributions required by agencies of the state or federal governments, and will provide the Chair with a copy of each such report
- Complete all necessary reports to the Campaign Finance Board
- Disburse unit funds only with authority or ratification by the Central or Executive Committee or by Chair in accordance with the limits specified in the CD2 Constitution
- Oversee the CD2 Act Blue Account
- Work with CD2 Committees to oversee financing and budgeting requests
- Serve as a member of the CD2 Fundraising Committee
CD2 Communications Officer
The Communications Officer is the primary officer responsible for CD2 Communications. Their responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
- Co-chair the Communications Committee
- Maintain and update the CD2 website
- Maintain and update the CD2 social media accounts (currently Facebook and Twitter)
- Moderate the CD2 Facebook group
- Develop communications strategies to help elect DFL Endorsed candidates in CD2
- Assist other CD2 Committees with event and/or training communications
CD2 Directors
Directors shall serve on at least one standing or ad hoc committee, as appointed by the Chair and approved by the Executive or Central Committees. Their responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
- Assist with planning of and/or volunteering at events
- Serving as a member of at least one standing or ad hoc committee (Communications, Education and Training, Outreach and Inclusion, Fundraising, Candidate Support, Nominations Screening, or Audit)
- Support DFL endorsed candidates in CD2
- Attend DFL CD2 Central and Executive Committee meetings
DFL State Leadership Opportunities
State DFL Executive Committee Directors
The state directors from each congressional district will be elected to ensure representation of communities within the DFL Party and to further the goals of affirmative action, outreach, and inclusion within those communities.
Their responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
The state directors from each congressional district will be elected to ensure representation of communities within the DFL Party and to further the goals of affirmative action, outreach, and inclusion within those communities.
Their responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
- Serving on and attending meetings of the State Executive Committee
- Serving on and attending meetings of the DFL CD2 Central and Executive Committees
State DFL Central Committee Directors
There are seven State Central Committee members elected from each Congressional District.
The State Central Committee members will be elected to ensure representation of communities within the DFL Party and to further the goals of affirmative action, outreach, and inclusion within those communities. To achieve this goal, at least five of the seven members elected at each district convention shall be members of at least one of the following communities: people of color, LGBTQ+, seniors, youth, farmers, labor, veterans, and persons living with disabilities.
Their responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
There are seven State Central Committee members elected from each Congressional District.
The State Central Committee members will be elected to ensure representation of communities within the DFL Party and to further the goals of affirmative action, outreach, and inclusion within those communities. To achieve this goal, at least five of the seven members elected at each district convention shall be members of at least one of the following communities: people of color, LGBTQ+, seniors, youth, farmers, labor, veterans, and persons living with disabilities.
Their responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
- Serving on and attending State Central Committee Meetings
- Serving on and attending CD2 Central Committee Meetings
State DFL Standing Committees
CD2 shall elect one person to serve as a member of the State Budget Committee. Their responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
Constitution, Rules, and Bylaws
CD2 shall elect two people (gender balanced) to serve on the Constitution, Rules, and Bylaws Committee. Their responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
Outreach and Inclusion
CD2 shall elect two people (gender balanced) to serve on the Outreach and Inclusion Committee. Their responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
Platform, Issues, and Legislative Affairs
CD2 shall elect two people (gender balanced) to serve on the Platform, Issues, and Legislative Affairs Committee. Their responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
Party Affairs and Coordinated Campaign
CD2 shall elect two people (gender balanced) to serve on the Party Affairs and Coordinated Campaign Committee. Their responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
CD2 shall elect one person to serve as a member of the State Budget Committee. Their responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
- Attend Budget Committee meetings
- Attend meetings of the CD2 Central Committee
- The Budget Committee shall have as a minimum objective to propose a yearly state budget to the State Central Committee and monitor that approved budget.
Constitution, Rules, and Bylaws
CD2 shall elect two people (gender balanced) to serve on the Constitution, Rules, and Bylaws Committee. Their responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
- Attend CBRC meetings
- Attend meetings of the CD2 Central Committee
- Perform periodic reviews of the following documents in relation to the Constitution and Bylaws of the DFL Party, with a view toward resolving any conflicts with the Constitution: a. The National Charter of the Democratic Party b. The DFL Affirmative Action, Outreach, and Inclusion Plan. c. Delegate Selection Rules for the Democratic National Convention. d. Minnesota Election Laws. e. Constitutions of subordinate DFL organizations, as prescribed in Article IX, Section 1. f. Standing Rules of the DFL State Executive and Central Committee
- Review and draft the Official Call including temporary proposed Rules for the State Convention to be reviewed and considered by the State Preconvention Rules Committee
- Have authority to issue or recommend settlements and remedies of constitutional or Official Call challenges to endorsements, other disputes, and interpretations of party documents to the State Chair and/or appropriate governing bodies
- Recommend refinements/changes to the Constitution and Bylaws of the DFL Party report recommendations to the State Central Committee and/or the DFL State Convention
- Advise and coordinate with Party Affairs and Coordinated Campaign Committee with respect to training concerning the calls, constitutions, bylaws, and rules
- Schedule and conduct hearings (as appropriate) throughout the state for the purpose of receiving input on recommended changes, additions or refinements to the Constitution and Bylaws. The Committee will solicit recommendations from DFL elected officials and party officers
- Prepare a final report for action by the State Convention by acting as the State Preconvention Constitution and Bylaws committee
Outreach and Inclusion
CD2 shall elect two people (gender balanced) to serve on the Outreach and Inclusion Committee. Their responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
- Attend meetings of the Outreach and Inclusion Committee
- Attend meetings of the CD2 Central Committee
- The Committee shall be an action, review, and compliance committee in terms of affirmative action, outreach, and inclusion programs and delegate selection and in turn shall make recommendations to appropriate governing bodies
- The Committee shall prepare an affirmative action, outreach, and inclusion plan (said plan to include but not be limited to: recruitment and training for new candidates for state party officers from underrepresented areas and communities and for State Party Standing Committees); shall submit the plan for approval and implementation to the State Central Committee; and shall make timely reports to the State Convention, State Central Committee and Business Conference. It may establish a date for organizing unit and congressional district affirmative action, outreach, and inclusion plan submission.
- The Committee shall also provide guidance in development, implementation, and follow-up of other unit affirmative action, outreach, and inclusion plans
- The Committee shall advise and coordinate with Party Affairs and Coordinated Campaign Committee with respect to trainings on affirmative action, outreach, and inclusion
- The Committee shall identify resources for accessibility for persons living with disabilities, including: Braille translation, taping, disk or other electronic formats, interpreters for people with auditory disabilities, and site accessibility requirements
Platform, Issues, and Legislative Affairs
CD2 shall elect two people (gender balanced) to serve on the Platform, Issues, and Legislative Affairs Committee. Their responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
- Attend meetings of the Platform, Issues, and Legislative Affairs Committee
- Attend meetings of the CD2 Central Committee
- Develop platform criteria and form procedures for the ongoing process of resolutions from the caucuses and an orderly procedure for the convention
- Monitor and evaluate for informational purposes the implementation of platform planks by appropriate governmental bodies and report the results to the appropriate party officials.
- Recommend to the State Central Committee for their approval of specific legislative priorities, taken only from the DFL Ongoing Platform or Action Agenda, which shall be utilized in meeting with DFL legislators to discuss the legislative priorities of the DFL Party
- Bring to the attention of subsequent caucuses and conventions those platform planks which have, and those which have not, been enacted. It may identify current and timely issues that are not addressed in the platform in order to present them to the appropriate governing bodies
- The Committee shall present specific recommendations for inclusion in the Official Call and act as the state pre-convention committee. The pre-convention committee report shall be available for delegates and alternates in printed form and on the DFL website at least one week before the state convention.
- The Committee shall advise and coordinate with the Party Affairs and Coordinated Campaign Committee with respect to training concerning resolution writing and organizing unit resolution committee best practices.
- Recommend to the State Central Committee for their approval revisions to the preambles of the ongoing platform and the action agenda
Party Affairs and Coordinated Campaign
CD2 shall elect two people (gender balanced) to serve on the Party Affairs and Coordinated Campaign Committee. Their responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
- Attend meetings of the Party Affairs and Coordinated Campaign Committee
- Attend meetings of the CD2 Central Committee
- Work with the DFL State Chair, Party Affairs Director, and the Coordinated Campaign Director to facilitate close coordination of policies and initiatives of party activities and related campaign activities.
- Work with DFL staff and relevant committees to conduct trainings for party organizations, leaders, and volunteers.
- Serve as liaisons between local party units and officers, and the State DFL staff to facilitate communication between DFL staff and party officers.
- Be responsible for working with the State Chair to encourage the Coordinated Campaign and local party units to exchange the necessary support to be successful in achieving their respective goals, and for advocating that the Coordinated Campaign and local party officers understand and respect each other’s goals.